Thursday, July 16, 2009

Voices from Hell and What They Have to Say to America Today

Luc A from Ottawa Canada (3/23/2007)

“ Very Sobering! ”

Where are they now? Where are the mighty men and mighty kingdoms of old? They have all gone down to the pit. God will rain fire and brimestone on all that do wickedly. The rich man who was tormented in the Bible remains there to this day and will be tormented forever. Powerful sobering message.

Daniel M L from Altoona Pa. (1/7/2007)

“ Great Sermon! ”

America is at war with the Almighty God. America proudly displays its sins of immorality, abortion and sodomy without any remorse. This is a war America cannot win and will not win. But God is merciful, Ezekiel 33:5 but he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul. Thank You Dr. Cairns for having the courage to preach this sermon.

Emmanuel from India (11/10/2006)

“ Great Sermon! ”

Dear Dr.Alan Greetings in the name of our Lord Your message to Americans in voices from thought provoking &timely We the christian in India are much distressed by the sexualSodomic abomination sins in USA such as allowing Gay marriages in churches under the name of freedom I believe that Second coming of Christ is linked with The fall of USA If USA christians repent the fall of USA will be postponed and the whole humanity will be blessed let us pray for it May God bless you.your family& internet ministry Emmanuel Rtd. Prof.of maths Tamil Nadu India

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