Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Billy Graham: Forerunner to Antichrist
Brief Sermon Overview:
Billy Graham is nearing the end of his life. But his most damaging work may yet lie ahead.
After Billy enters eternity and faces judgment, billions of dollars worth of his materials will be distributed around the world in dozens of languages.
UPDATE: A movie titled, "Billy: The Early Years," starring Armmie Hammer and Walter Mathau is in post-production and may be released late summer or early Fall of 2008. THE GLORIFICATION OF BILLY GRAHAM HAS BEGUN BEFORE HE IS EVEN PASSED ON.
Click "Outside Web Link" to read about the movie... as Billy's compromising message goes forth producing apostasy...
What message will be heard?
Billy is an inclusivist (nice term for apostate) and has been from the beginning. He admits it, John R. Rice, Bob Jones Sr., Carl McIntire and others exposed it and Graham's own ministry confirms it.
Billy Graham preaches a watered-down Gospel and a false 'christ' who does not call Roman Catholics, Orthodox or other pagans out of their idolatry. Graham's 'christ' does not even DESIRE Jews and Muslims to convert!
We will listen to Billy's own words from his own mouth, starting in 1949. We will read quotations from his massive progaganda machine. We will read admissions from Billy's own autobiography.
Billy Graham sent millions of unwary seekers from a 'sinner's prayer' into the clutches of the Whore of Revelation 17. We must WARN our loved ones and stand against Graham's 'evil empire'.
This is a message that all true Bible Believers MUST have as we prepare for the final days of this end time delusion that is sweeing Christendom and has swallowed nearly all of evangelicalism and much of professing fundamentalism already.
Marilynj from New York (5/3/2008)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very few Pastors today will mark these men who are preaching a false Gospel, and deceiving millions. II Thessalonians 2:3 tells us: "Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." We are seeing this Scripture fulfilled in the Christian world today. When you try to tell people about the apostasy of Graham, they will not listen. They have their eyes on the man, and refuse to hear and understand the false message he brings. Christians need to go back to the King James Bible, and the true message of God's Word. Thank you for warning Christians about this dangerous man and his false doctrine.
billy graham,
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