Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Funeral Message of an Unbeliever

Brief Sermon Overview:

What should a pastor do or say when he is faced with the responsibility of preaching the funeral of one who has passed away in unbelief, having no interest in the things of God.

Should you lie . . . or tell them the truth about God?

If you have 22 minutes to consider eternity, it might well mean your eternal welfare.

Brewa J C from Nepal (11/2/2008)

“ An Inconvienent Truth ”

Yes! let the Body of Christ knows that, its not the amount of people that attend one funeral or the praises of men for the decease, that matters but only by receiving The Lord as our Saviour whilst alive backed up by total obedience to the word of God can one make it for heaven. Moreover, in funeral sevices, the fate of an unbeliever in eternity should be preach undiluted as stated by the word of God.

Thomas M S from Jenison, MI (6/28/2008)

“ Great Sermon! ”

The message was great, I wish I could have been there, praying that God would allow it to make its proper impression on me to be more concerned for the lost. Richard Baxter wrote in 1656, Shall thousands die and go to hell before thou wilt speak one serious word to prevent it ? Will they not there curse thee for ever that thou didst no more in time to fave them ?" I confess that I seldom hear the bell toll for one that is dead but conscience asks me, "What hadst thou done for the saving of that soul before it left the body? There is one more gone into eternity ; what didst thou do to prepare him for it ?" — When you are laying a corpse in the grave, how can you help reflecting with yourselves to this purpose : " Here lies the body, but where is the soul?

plw from Mo (6/26/2008)

“ Great Sermon! ”

This is a great sobering message. We need all pastors to preach this message at unbelievers funerals. You have a captive audience so why not. I think the Lord would be very pleased with the message.

Berean Wife from Alabama (6/26/2008)

“ Great Sermon! ”

Thank you for your teaching of the Truth of the Bible. I have been to so many funerals where the pastor essentially told everyone that they would all see the departed when they get to heaven, with no gospel given. The church today has deceived so many into thinking they are saved because they said a little prayer when nine at VBS.

Wayne from Oregon (2/25/2008)

“ Great Sermon! ”

WOW! A sermon which should be preached at all unbelievers funeral's and a wonderful example of the Gospel being proclaimed like a trumpet! Christ exalting and man debasing! Preach on Brother Fortner!!!

Sabet from Toronto (12/31/2007)

“ Great Sermon! ”

Dear Bro. Fortner, I have learned to cherish your Sermons and recommend that others listen. But today, I listened to the message preached at a funeral and I am stunned to find that you put forth the question and the answer that I am trying to deal with. Based on a message I heard in church yesterday I told the Pastor I needed to talk with him. It seemed to me he was giving unsaved people assurances meant only for God's redeemed people. Thanks to you I have my answer. I am so glad for the internet. I would otherwise starve for good teaching. God bless you in all His good things.

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