Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bible version issue explained part one and two.

Download and burn them to a CD so you can help others to see the truth.

vanessa evelyn from Brooklyn ny (11/12/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have now listened to this tape/audio 6 times, gosh, I have no excuse now, to pick up and play with other versions is just plain disobedience and laziness, I have to ask God to forgive me for allowing myself to be swayed, clearly I knew some thing was just not right when I read the NIV or any other, they are more like commentators, infact that is my reference for them all, I pray that God will give us all the DESIRE to obey His WORD without compromise. John 8:31, I may have left a comment before, but sorry I had to just share this.

vanessa evelyn from Brooklyn ny (11/12/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
simply disturbing to me, that we have to defend the Gospel when it is clear Rev 22:18-19 DO NOT ADD OR TAKE AWAY. May I be a two year old for one moment and ask innocently, "what does God mean when He said in Rev 22:18-19, do not add or take away from these Words", maybe it has another meaning that we are all missing since we seem to be comfortable with changing the Word of God, so maybe God did not really mean what He said, so I guess it means that God is a God that says something BUT He does not mean you really have to obey it, but then I would have to ask what does John 8:31 mean then, should we rip those two scriptures out of the Word of God? as it seems God does not mean what He says Rev 22:18-19

kenneth sharp from N.Y. (2/6/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Message. If only all Chrisitans could know. I'm spreading it to some. May God Bless your minisrty.

deborah from new zealand (1/14/2006)
“ thank you ”
thank you, thank you, thank you. For teaching truth. It is a rare commodity today and May God Bless your ministry. I will pass on this information to as many as i can within new zealand and hope it gets heard.

J Trimble from NEWTOWNABBEY, N. Ireland (1/14/2006)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Stuff! Everyone should download these two parts onto cd's and spread them around like wildfire! Give them to all the people that are in these modern churches which use counterfeit bibles! These bibles are false and they mix christian doctrine with world doctrine.

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