Thursday, July 16, 2009

John Todd:Satanism & the Illuminati

His name was John Todd, a former member of the illuminati. He warned us against their plans for world domination before he was framed and effectively discredited by the illuminati. The words that he left on his audio tapes are still coming to fruition, which puts lots of credibility on his claim that he was an insider. These audio tape speak about the evil plans of the illuminati for world control. This is just another piece of the puzzle that explains what’s going on today’s world. Few people have any clue as to the deliberate Satanic subversion of America by the Illuminati.

Here are some related Links to John's Todd's testimonial FOLLOW LINK ABOVE. It's not good to believe every article about the Illuminati that you may find on the Internet. Some disinformation is deliberately fabricated to confuse the public. Below are some of the most trustworthy sites. Beware of those authors who receive little or no opposition for their message, like David Icke!

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