Wednesday, July 15, 2009

TBN is NOT Christian. Fred Price, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Morris Corello,Paul Crouch, are all Apostate

Brief Sermon Overview:

Christians, please pay attention, We know that some of you are concerned about the negative messages that Pastor Slattery shares with his congregation and with Sermon Audio, but there is no way to build a new foundation with the old pagan one in the way. There is no way to establish te truth without exposing the lies and Liars. This is just a matter of fact way of preaching that was not only common in the days of old. Establishing the old landmarks involves removing the fake ones. The problem is not tyhe negative message, it is the Angti-Christ Pulpits controlled by the traditions of the men who live in the vatican.

The fact is that unless you show folks directly the physical and spiritual applications of the word of God along with the literal interpretation you might as well be in a Social Club watching movies. We Are called to Walk by faith not by the magick tricks of the TBN benny Hinns of the world. In this lesson on faith. The biggest problems are not the pagans and the athiests, it is the preachers whpo have millions of people watrching them, and those prechers do not speak according to the word of God and the testimoney of God. pastor Slattery then proves through recordings in their own words just how these Apostate TBN preachers are being sed to estroy the truth of the word of God. They are corrupting the word of GOD.

Benny Hinn Kenneth Copeland, Hagee and others are all standing in the eyes of most people as spokesmen for God. They need to be pulled down and they need to be driven from the houses of God. there is no light in them... OH it gets real bad, there is a lot of work to Do and big fight ahead! As Christians we need to warn Rebuke and then Preach!!

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